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Four Tips to Get Your Business Back on Track Leveraging Technology

Calendar Icon Published: June 25, 2020

It’ll most likely take months or years to get back to a semblance of normalcy and here are four tips to get your business back on track leveraging technology.

Identify key areas of business

The first thing to do is identify the key areas of your business that cannot work from home.

That may include sales roles, operation roles, etc. These key areas of your business need to keep productivity high, while avoiding a drop in work-efficiency and delivery of your products or services.

We’d suggest reviewing your company by department to identify areas that are necessary to work in your office, and ones that simply cannot, and refer to your business disaster recovery (BDR) plan for ultimate guidance.

Keep social distancing

Social distancing has been drilled into our everyday lives by government communication and advertisements. .

Following these simple guidelines will allow us to go back to normal sooner. Here’s some simple guidelines to follow.

  • Review your current office setup.
  • General requirements are 1.5-2m between people.
  • Identify those who can continue working 100% remote and give them a later ‘back to office’ date.

Also included in this would be avoiding unnecessary meetings, instead consider using Teams for stand-up meetings, like you would have done if your employees continued working from home.

Phased office hours

If you’re in a city where public transport is used a lot, you’ll need to think about how to minimize contact with other people.

A good way to do this is to operate a phased office hour policy or flextime, let your employees know that the start time isn’t fixed and you’d rather they don’t travel during rush hour.

You can give them a choice using a 3-hour window that would suit both the late sleepers and early risers, this would also boost morale and is generally shown to make workers happier.

Continue to allow Work From Home

You’ll need to create a self-isolation policy if you don’t have one already.

Companies like Apple and Google are creating plans for an app, based on these same policies, that gives you visibility into knowing if you’ve been near someone who has tested positive for the virus.

It’s important that you allow anyone who thinks they may have been exposed to work from home, and if they develop symptoms then monitor these symptoms or see a physician.

These four tips together will minimize the risk of your office becoming a local hot-zone for COVID-19 and get your business back on track leveraging technology.