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Ensuring HIPAA Compliance By Outsourcing Your IT Services

Calendar Icon Published: December 3, 2020

As a healthcare organization, did you know that ensuring HIPAA compliance is simple by outsourcing your IT services? Outsourcing your IT can take tons of stress out of your job especially in the current situation of dealing with a world-wide pandemic.

With healthcare services moving into the cloud and virtual world, Zoom visits are now the norm and filling online prescriptions online is your new best friend. With all that data flowing over the web, it’s important for patient’s information to stay safe and secure. All healthcare work-from-home policies have to operate under the compliance of HIPAA or the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. The protection of your patients’ assets as well as the success of your clinic all relies on the ability to meet all HIPAA regulations, even, actually especially, when you’re working from home.

Outsourcing your IT services cannot only save you money and time as you don’t have to worry about going through a long hiring and a tedious training process for new employees, it can also ensure you total security and HIPAA compliance by technology experts at the time you need it most.

Security and compliance experts

Outsourced IT teams are experts in their field, meaning experts in all the latest and greatest cybersecurity technology. They will be up to date on all basic security needs of businesses and additionally well-versed in compliance and regulations when it comes to things like HIPAA and technology.

IT support at the ready

Since outsourced IT teams are dedicated to IT, you can rely on them to be focused on keeping your technology up and running and your data safe while you worry about running the rest of your business. You focus on your business, while they focus on theirs.

What projects are you working on at your practice? Let us know. We’re here to help.