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Keeping Your Employees Safe Using Technology

Calendar Icon Published: August 13, 2020

The health and safety of your employees is the utmost importance when returning back to work and we have a few ides on keeping your employees safe using technology. After all, they are the lifeblood of your business.

Protecting them and providing for their needs seems like a pretty great investment of time and resources, doesn’t it?

Empathizing With Your Employees

Your employees are the heart of your company, and some of them may be nervous and/or hesitant to come back to work.

Exercising empathy will be important, because things have changed. Communicating clearly your new policies is critical because it ensures everyone’s safety. Be willing to discuss those policies and any concerns they might have – that loyalty to their safety will help make everyone’s transition back to the office better.

Policy Changes

Adhering to the state health guidelines to keep people safe should be your top priority.

Those guidelines should be at the forefront of everyone’s minds when returning to work, employer and employee alike. You may have to amend or write new policies regarding your workplace in order to comply with those state guidelines. Those policies should be communicated clearly to your employees, even before they return to work.

This includes IT and technology policies. If any of your staff are going to work remote for any amount of time, be sure your IT department or outsourced technology vendor is over-communicating these, regularly.

Retraining Employees

Think of this as retraining your employees on company policies the same way you did when they first started.

Take the time to do this and ensure that everyone is on the same page about your new policies regarding social distancing and sanitation. Additionally, take the time to retrain your staff about transitioning from working from home to working in the office when it comes to data and security.

Your employees might’ve been working from a home desktop or personal laptop while they were in quarantine. They may have been using a virtual desktop or a VPN solution, giving them access to your servers or line-of-business applications. Those things will have to be transitioned back to the office, while still ensuring data security.

We will create an IT strategy and help train and retrain your employees. In this, you’ll secure and maintain all your IT needs so your staff can return safely to the office.

Technology policies, and managing the IT needs of a remote workforce that is now coming back to your office and keeping your employees safe using technology, can be tricky. We want to be your IT partner in providing technology and consulting solutions for your business.