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2021 Year in Review

Published: February 17, 2022

Wow, what a year. 2021 was a great year for all our clients, and the number of projects we completed for them was impressive. By all measurements, our client base is healthy, and it was an honor to be part of their success. We thought it would be nice to take a look at the 2021 year in review.

Here are a few of the many project and support issues we took on with them:

  • Several clients expanded their operations into new facilities, additional locations, or expanded offices. Solution Builders assisted them in the technology side of their move by using our time-tested office move/build-out project management methodology, making these changes seamless for our clients.
  • We saw work from home continue to expand throughout 2021, and we deployed many remote access solutions across our client base.
  • As a result of the continued work-from-home situation, many of our clients deployed faster Internet connections in combination with speedier firewall solutions – all designed to keep up with the additional Internet traffic generated by all of the remote work.
  • We continued to see clients moving more of their server infrastructure to Office 365, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Teams, and Microsoft SharePoint. We also saw a few clients completely shift their server infrastructure to the cloud, eliminating physical servers altogether.
  • We lost count of the number of workstations and laptops deployed over the year, but our busy technicians said we easily set up over 700 machines across our client base.
  • We assisted many clients experiencing rapid growth in scaling their IT environment to meet their increased business needs. Along with the rapid growth, we saw several clients either acquire or acquire another firm.
  • Cyber security needs at our clients took off in 2021. Our client relations team was busy assisting clients with cyber insurance requirements along with filling out all the required paperwork. In addition to the front-end managing of security, our technicians were busy deploying enhanced security configurations across our entire client base by updating our best practices and then implementing those new configurations through our SB360 process.

In addition to all the successful client-related busyness, we also completed several critical internal projects designed to smooth our internal operations and make us more responsive to client needs. Among these is a laundry list of new internal support applications and new product offerings to assist clients in either making it easier to work with Solution Builders or increasing their security posture.

To our clients: Thank you for allowing us to be your technology partner. It’s an honor to help you build your dreams, support your employees, and make an impact in your areas of expertise.